International Youth Day

International youth day defines the hardships and challenges currently facing youth all around the world. This specific day highlight the importance of associating with those lots of youth that instigate positive change. The swift consumption of technology all around the globe has resulted in surfacing of some issues for youth all across the world such as cyber bullying, peer pressure, racism, so called infatuation issues etc.

Education and employment is the most common issue for our youth these days. It causes a peer pressure on our youth though education is the key to a sustainable future. Though our youth have potential to shape the world both in present and in the future but we have to create more opportunities to inspire our young lot. We have to give them purpose and let them do their tasks. We must appreciate our youth efforts and eventually they will work even harder and reap the benefits.

Every young person must given the opportunity to be the best version of themselves. We must respect our youth opinion. Young people must be equipped to live healthy and fulfilling lives and feel empowered to create positive change for themselves, their communities and the world.

Mental health should be the top priority for our young lot that will help them in working hard and focused to promote society that prioritizes positive mental health.

Physical health is also important in a healthy well-being. Participating in physical activity and sports plays an important role in physical, mental and social development.